Hello, I'm Nick Alesandro.  
I lead product and engineering teams.


 Together we can deliver complex projects in fast-moving environments where uncertainty reigns.


I've been doing this for a while.  
Here are a few of my prouder moments.



Led team that delivered a spatial management platform for the built environment, allowing space to be rendered, recombined, allocated, and permissioned at scale.

The groundwork

Starting with the set of microservices we built for Hillary for America 2016, led team to wrap them into a coherent UI and API-based product for nonprofits and smaller political campaigns


Led team that delivered the world's first B2B ad product. The huge project included an RTB client, targeting data, and dashboards with new product-specific performance metrics.

Bona fides available in exhaustive detail
on LinkedIn

Be compassionate. Collaborate. Iterate.


Trust your customers 
They are subject matter experts.

Trust your product managers
Give them the tools to succeed, then get out of the way.

Trust your designers  
They know more about usability than you do. 

Trust your developers
They're probably smarter than you.

Gather data
Data describes reality and reality-based decisions are generally preferable.

Trust your instincts
Gather data, but don't be a slave to it.  This is a fun balance to strike.

The future is notoriously hard to predict, so plan to learn at all stages. 

Always know why
And be able to communicate it effectively.

If you want to build a ship, don’t divide the work and give orders. Instead, inspire a yearning for the vast and endless sea.
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (paraphrased)

How about when you're not working?


I live in the small town neighborhood of Bernal Heights in San Francisco with a small menagerie including two kids, a dog, and a bird.  They're all wonderful individuals except for the bird.


I love being outside in the sun.  Not exactly a controversial position but really, I love it.  So I spend a lot of time backpacking and trail running.  I should spend more though.


I have been cooking and learning and practicing for many years now and finally seem to have really hit my stride.  I might start selling my marinades soon.


I've also been taking pictures of beautiful and interesting things for most of my life.  Recently, I've been taking pictures of fungus.  All photos on the site are mine, though sadly no fungus.


recent WRITING


recent speaking


recent reading


Thanks for visiting!


Please continue to LinkedIn for my history in exhaustive detail, or check out my CV if you prefer.

I'm always available by email too.
nick.alesandro at gmail